
Lumia stands in solidarity with the Black Community

Lumia stands in solidarity and action with the Black community and publicly commits to developing an anti-racist and anti-bias curriculum for our coaches.

To our Lumia Community --

We stand not only in solidarity with the Black community, but in action to make sure we continue to engage in critical conversation and education when it comes to dismantling the systems that oppress.

We do not wish to center our voices during this time where listening, learning and urgent action are needed.

We do want to pass along more information about what Lumia will be doing in the coming days.

  • We are listening to the requests of Black activists and donating to orgs already doing the work.
  • We have stopped all advertising and social posting for the week, following Jessica Wilson's lead, “to center the voices and lived experiences of folks of color doing this work.”
  • We have been working on, and are publicly committing to developing an anti-racist and anti-bias curriculum for our coaches, students, and instructors.

Over the years, I have grown to see the work of coaching as a means for dismantling the oppressive, and harmful systems that exist all around and within us.

The work of coaching is asking difficult questions, thinking deeply about the future, giving heartily of ourselves and creating connections between people that enable growth.

It’s a powerful way of creating understanding, a shared vocabulary and instilling hope in the future.

Coaching believes that all humans have the right to radical change and self-actualization and for this to take place, equality for all is required.

There is no justice, until there is justice for all.

There is no freedom, until all are truly free.

Black lives matter.

[Free Guide] 6 Steps to Start Coaching Today

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Lumia is accredited by the ICF as a Level 2 Pathway Program. Want to learn more about the ICF credential requirements? Click here for further details.