
Top 4 Trends for Life Coaches from the 2023 Global Wellness Summit

In this podcast episode, Noelle and John unpack the Global Wellness Summit’s Future of Wellness 2023 Trends report, and what it means for life coaches.

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Where Coaching Is Headed Next: Trends to Watch

As a coach, it's useful to stay on top of the latest developments in the wellness industry in order to provide the best possible guidance and support to your clients.

Not only that, following along with where the future of wellness is headed will offer you crucial insights into where the coaching jobs of the future will be, and other economic opportunities that may be right for your business. 

Today we're looking at areas of particular note for coaches in the Global Wellness Summit’s Future of Wellness 2023 Trends report. Noelle sifted through this informative159 page report with her fine-toothed comb so that you don't have to, looking for the most relevant nuggets that coaches need to be aware of!

Consumer Values Are Changing

Industry thought leaders have spent the last three years predicting how this long, thoughtful "pandemic pause" would transform the very idea of wellness. And as this 2023 trends report shows, big changes are here and they’re real. 

In the wake of the pandemic, we saw people rushing to return to life, to see other people, to travel, and to have real-world experiences. Instead of theorizing what a “post-pandemic” consumer and market will look like, in 2023 the GWS can now report on actual observation and evidence. 

Global surveys show that wellness spending is a top priority for people worldwide. Despite a tough economy, they’re increasing their spend. 

What’s shifted most profoundly over the past several years is the consumer, and what they perceive to be “true wellness.” According to the GWS 2023 Trends report:

  • People are now more reflective 
  • They’re seeking science-based interventions and solutions
  • They’re less self-focused, and more concerned about each other and the planet
  • They want solutions that are meaningful and work

Bottom line? There has been a huge shift in values away from solo self care and digital wellness to a focus on real-life social connection and community. 

Let's look now at a summary of the four trends we're covering in the podcast.

4 Trends for 2023 (And Beyond)

#1 In-person social connection and community 

In the wake of the pandemic, there's a growing demand for in-person experiences. People crave authentic human interaction and the sense of belonging that comes with it. As a coach, consider ways that you can foster in person events, workshops, and other spaces where people can gather and experience the benefits of doing life together.

#2 Wellness tourism

This area is a rapidly growing industry, as more and more people seek out experiences that promote their health and well-being. As a coach, you can tap into this trend by offering wellness retreats, partnering with spas, resorts, and hotels, or by incorporating travel into your coaching programs.

Of particular note is the hunger for authentic experience, and connection to indigenous ways of seeing and being in the world. There is a real opportunity for BIPOC coaches in particular to stake your claim and create a place for your practice to flourish in the traditionally whitewashed wellness industry.

3. Workplace wellness that finally means something

These programs have been around for a while, but they have often fallen short of actually improving employees' health and well-being. However, there's a growing movement towards workplace wellness that actually means something.

Superficial wellness at work schemes are being replaced with more meaningful solutions as workers demand change and accountability. With employers focused more now on addressing the root causes of stress, burnout, and job dissatisfaction, it’s anticipated that many new jobs will be created to support these initiatives inside businesses and corporations over the years to come.

PRO TIP: We have already seen a surge in job postings calling for ICF credentialed coaches with experience, and the demand far exceeds the supply. There are currently only 50,000 ICF credential holders globally, so if this area of opportunity interests you now’s the time to start working toward your ICF credential

4. Wellness policy

Again thanks to the pandemic, we’re seeing a growing recognition of the importance of wellness in government policies and initiatives. This includes everything from promoting physical activity and healthy eating to addressing mental health and well-being. As a coach, you can play a role in advocating for and promoting wellness in your community.

Overall, these trends highlight the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, one that addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of well-being. By staying on top of these trends, you’ll be better positioned to act on new opportunities as they arise.

Further Resources:

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